Have you ever thought about setting up your own business? For some of these home business ideas, you’ll need specialist equipment, and possibly additional training
Freelance and Contractors
Unlocking the Value: Understanding Company Assets
As a business owner, you’ve undoubtedly heard the term “company assets” thrown around in discussions about your business operations, responsibilities, and financial health. But what
Minimum Pay and Parental Leave
This blog gives you the basics on minimum pay and parental leave changes with links to where you can find more from HMRC. Don’t get
Sick Pay & Sick Benefits for Self-Employed
One of the major benefits of being self-employed is the independence it brings. You are your own boss, and you have total freedom over how,
Tax Returns & Self-Assessment Deadlines 2024
You have until midnight on 31 January 2024 to submit your self-assessment tax return online. This would be your return for the tax year starting